Our Expertise is Healing Trauma - The sense of separation from oneself and others
Clinical Information for Trauma Healing Resources

“Somatic Science© sessions are extremely valuable for patients/clients with trauma histories, whether physical, emotional or sexual. Federico’s kind, calm & supportive manner and insightful interventions have been well-accepted and heartfully embraced by patients referred to his care.”
Dr. Brian Bouch MD - Founder, Hill Park Medical Center | Petaluma, CA
“Federico would be a tremendous asset to any Integrative program. I recommend him to you without reservation.”
Dr. Daniel Vicario MD - Integrative Oncologist & Medical Director, San Diego Cancer Research Institute | Encinitas, CA
”Federico’s healing work successfully integrates sound scientific theory with traditional methods in a way that truly helps those who seek his care. I sincerely recommend him to my patients who suffer from any sort of nervous system dysfunction such as stress and anxiety disorders.”
Dr. Robert Cherney MD - Carmel Valley Family Practice | San Diego, CA
Our dialectical approach is a synthesis of Somatic Experiencing© the Polyvagal theory and classical Chinese Medicine. We have synthesized them together into Somatic Science© over a period of two decades. Trauma is the single most important factor determining whether we are comfortable or uncomfortable with ourselves -whether or not we consistently experience the joy of living.
Quite amazingly, trauma is also ignored by most traditional and allopathic therapeutic modalities. Trauma is unwittingly reinforced in our society as conditioning due to its subliminal nature -its physiological basis in human survival, social engagement (culture) and evolution.

Clear symptoms of trauma include persistent:
Panic and Anxiety / Hypervigilance
Nightmares / Difficulty sleeping
Codependent Behaviors
Chronic feelings of guilt / shame
Gastrointestinal disorders
Chronic pain / Migraines
Trouble paying attention / ADD
Emotional Numbness / Rage / Depression
Inexplicable chronic illness
One of the primary results of our work with clients is the separation of fear from immobility - a key dynamic that keeps the ANS bound in a state of immobility and dissociation.
We help regulate and increase the physiological energy available for healing and normal functioning by helping the organism complete the stress response cycle, thereby allowing cortisol and adrenaline their return to a normal homeostatic resting level. As heart rate, blood pressure, respiration and sleep cycles are restored to their normal status, the vast energy allocated to surviving a life-threatening or overwhelming experience can be used to enjoy life.