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The Foundations of human happiness: Self-regulation & Self-relational attunement
An experiential course in 8 parts

Participant Testimonials & Experiences


*      Dear Federico,


...These meetings have been very valuable for me and have had lasting effects. In comparison to the sessions you had last year...I am liking your current sessions more.​


I enjoyed last year ‘s meditation and quietude. However, it felt good in the moment, but it didn’t seem to spill over into my daily life. I was counting on the actual meeting to have an hours’ piece of mind.​


Fast forward to the past few months: in these new sessions, you gave explanations, diagrams, exercises, etc. This has helped me apply the work on a daily basis. Something clicked a few weeks into your current course offering where my anxiety level has gone way down and has remained down ever since.


Crystal S.


*      Dear Federico,


I really liked the class and I feel that I made progress by sharing my experience.


I'm looking forward to the next class. I was nervous and hesitant to be part of the class because of all the formats that I had to fill and send.

However, during the class I felt safe and connected with Federico and the class.


Ivy J.


*     Hi,


This [course] page is very helpful to me. Certain aspects made more sense.


It seems I missed some of the information during the live class. I just now understood that "are you aware that I am aware of you?" pertains to my hand asking my shoulder, not just another person asking me.


My stress level just went way down by reading and listening [to the class recording] on this page.


I enjoyed learning from other people's experiences and sharing. I see myself in all the other participants. It reaffirms that my needs and feelings are valid.


Thank you so much!


Crystal S.


*     Hi,


I'd like for the class to cover at some point how to deal with the fatigue of the hypo/hyper activation.

Even when I don't feel that my day was stressful, I get very fatigued / foggy around 3pm ~ 5pm.


I know it's with my nervous system, but don't know what is the cause and remedy.


Takara S.


*      Dear Federico,


Doing the looking slowly to the side along with the hand tapping/waving and the 'hand touching shoulder' brought much relaxation as well as bringing a togetherness feeling and expanded awareness, like my body awareness expanded a good 12 plus feet and become more whole . . .


100% on the recommendation.


Best part: Content/Presentation/feeling safe, all seem to go together. Thank you for making this page.

I will be revisiting this week to review again.


Torri N.


*     Hello,


The sessions are very satisfying because they feel safe, welcoming, and supported.

They validate things I have known but never had words for, acknowledgement or explanation for...


The people in the group allow me to feel accompanied, seen and heard.

The ongoing nature of the group feels reassuring, nurturing and reliable.

The content is clarifying, resourcing and helps to organize my experience of being human in a cognitive and embodied way.


So far the class pages reinforce and expand on the experiential learning and help me stay connected between sessions.


Also, checking in with my face-chest-solar plexus-belly when the hand-wringing starts has changed so much and been so helpful, thank you!


Monica M.

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