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Retiros | Talleres de trabajo | Clases | Jueves, 2021

Live Online 10:00 - 11:30H  PST | 19:00 - 20:30H CET | 11:00 - 12:30H CDMX

Experimento (n): mediados del 14c., "Acción de observar o probar; una observación, prueba o ensayo"; también "pieza de evidencia o prueba empírica; hazaña de magia o hechicería",  del latín experimentum "ensayo, prueba, prueba, experimento", sustantivo de acción de experiri "probar, probar," de ex "fuera de" (ver ex- ) + peritus "experimentado, probado",

Survey Question Statistics

  • What part of watching this video was most enjoyable for you? 

  1. The options for enjoyment were: Understanding the importance of biology in everyday life, learning about exteroception, interoception, apperception, behavior, and more.​

  2. The majority of respondents (46%) found being able to regulate their nervous system and experience a positive change most enjoyable.

  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your level of activation or discomfort (such as anxiety, fear, or worry) with yourself BEFORE watching the video?

  1. The scale ranged from 1 (minimal to unnoticeable) to 10 (very high to almost unbearable).​

  2. 18.2% rated their level of activation as 1 (minimal to unnoticeable), and 19.7% rated it as 2 (very low). 53% rated it as 6 (very moderate). 8% rated as 8-10 (very high to almost unbearable)

  • Did you find that your level of activation or bodily intensity increased during or right after trying this experiment?

  1. ​47.4% answered "No," 36.8% said "Yes," and 15.8% were unsure.​

  • Can you consider the possibility that our human experience can be FULLY described by the 4 dimensions of Exteroception, Interoception, Behavior, and Apperception?​

  1. The majority (94.7%) answered "Yes."​

  • Do you now have a sense of how the experiences of bodily intensity might actually be an attempt by your nervous system to update itself and reach the face to organize a facial expression, amounting to the successful completion of the deactivation cycle of a threat response?​

  1. ​57.9% answered "Yes," while 15.8% were unsure.

  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your level of activation or discomfort (such as anxiety, fear, worry) with yourself AFTER watching the video?

  1. 22.7% rated their level of activation as 3 (low), and 27.3% rated it as 4 (low to very moderate). The rest were unsure, and 5% responded that it was higher.​

  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your level of activation or discomfort (such as anxiety, fear, worry, blame, or guilt) with yourself in your day-to-day life?​

  1. 19.1% rated their level of activation as 3 (low), and 18.2% rated it as 4 (low to very moderate). 45.9% rated it as 7 (high to very high) and 15.4% rated it as 9 or 10 (almost unbearable to overwhelming).

  • ​​Which parts of the experiment were the most challenging for you?​​

  1. The challenges included determining body aliveness, being aware of the body, paying attention to experiences, allowing curiosity, and more.​

  • What new understanding do you have now after trying this experiment that you did not have before trying it?

  1. The new understandings included the importance of feeling safe, making experiential connections, less separation between inner and outer experiences, and more.

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