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Retiros | Talleres de trabajo | Clases | Jueves, 2021

Live Online 09:00 - 12:00H PST

Dinámica autorelacional 
Encuentro grupal terapéutico

¡Todos son bienvenidos!


Some Testimonials from Past Participants

"I really liked the class and I feel that I made progress by sharing my experience." Ivy J.


"My stress level just went way down by reading and listening [to the class recording] on this page. I enjoyed learning from other people's experiences and sharing. I see myself in all the other participants. It reaffirms that my needs and feelings are valid." Crystal S.


"Doing the looking slowly to the side along with the hand tapping/waving and the 'hand touching shoulder' brought much relaxation as well as bringing a togetherness feeling and expanded awareness, like my body awareness expanded a good 12 plus feet and become more whole . . ." Torri N.


"The sessions are very satisfying because they feel safe, welcoming, and supported. They validate things I have known but never had words for, acknowledgement or explanation for...

The people in the group allow me to feel accompanied, seen and heard." Monique M.

Únase a nosotros y celebre usted mismo , la sabiduría que ya es, conscientemente experimentada y presenciada.


Según Somatic Science®, la base de la felicidad es la seguridad relacional. La seguridad relacional suele estar implícita, pero la exploramos explícitamente dentro de nuestra experiencia vivida del aquí, ahora. La seguridad relacional consiste en conocerse a uno mismo como un todo junto con lo que sea nuestra experiencia en un momento dado.

Mientras nuestra experiencia sea gestionada por la DVC, viviremos en un mundo de relativa amenaza. Solo cuando el sistema nervioso autónomo activa la VVC podemos comenzar a sentirnos seguros y disfrutar de nuestra humanidad: presencia incondicional.


Esto se puede ver sin recurrir a abstracciones ya que

Somatic Science® utiliza las experiencias del cuerpo, la mente y los sentimientos.

Los usa para demostrar en la acción que seamos quienes seamos, no somos el cuerpo, la mente o los sentimientos. Es solo porque ignoramos de manera habitual e inconsciente el cuerpo, la mente y los sentimientos por lo que estamos tan angustiados y nos identificamos plenamente con ellos. Nuestra dinámica de grupo investiga esto con calidez, humor y rigurosa claridad.

Here is what we will Learn & Experience Together:

Saturday, 8 February 2025:


Foundations of Somatic Science®

Session 1: Introduction to Somatic Science® 

* Overview of Somatic Science® and its approach to well-being. 
* Happiness as the absence of suffering - Neurocognitive basis.  
* Role of the nervous system in shaping experiences.  
Understanding the Maladaptive Threat Response Cycle (mTRC).  
* Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) dynamics and barriers to homeostasis.  
* Introduction to self-regulation and interoception.  


* Group dynamic: Identifying patterns of regulation & dysregulation in daily life.  
* Exploring present-moment awareness.


Session 2: Root Causes of Dysregulation and Keys to Self-Regulation


* Childhood conditioning, mTRC, and existential trauma.  
* The role of curiosity in nervous system regulation and healing. 
* Practical tools: Using interoception and exteroception for self-regulation.  


* Mapping the ANS and its states (parasympathetic vs. sympathetic)

* Group dynamic: Personal patterns and conditioning.  
* The 3 Steps to Aliveness, Safety, Curiosity.


Sunday, 9 February 2025:

Applications of Somatic Science®

Session 1: Transforming Fixations and Building Resilience


* Understanding fixations: Chronic patterns of tension and thought.  
* Self-relational metacognition to transform fixations.  
* Leveraging safety, rest, and recovery for healing.  


* Guided dynamic: Dialoguing with fixations.  
* Partner dynamic: Entering metacognitive awareness.


Session 2: Integration and Moving Forward

* Cultivating curiosity as a pathway to well-being.  
* Transitioning from fear-driven states to heart-mind awareness. 
* Applying Somatic Science® principles in daily life.  


* Reflexive writing with Facial Interoception: Insights and takeaways.  
* Closing meditation: Anchoring well-being in the present moment.  â€‹

Our innate desire for harmony with life can only be nurtured in safety. When our nervous system is contained by the experience of safety all of our organs begin to work harmoniously and begin to flow in the same way that terrestrial natural systems. This allows for the experience of the end of feeling separate from oneself and others. We exist, we allow others to exist, and we become open to Being known to Exist by our primordial Intelligence.

© 2022  Somatic Science LLC

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