Zhineng Qigong - WisdomAbility - es una joya única y preciosa del Gran Conocimiento. Ilumina un camino tanto progresivo como directo hacia la felicidad, la curación y la sabiduría. Esta progresión a veces implica ejercicios y métodos; prácticas. En otras ocasiones, simplemente implica la realización experiencial directa de la verdad de nuestra conciencia autoconsciente de sí misma.
El camino de WisdomAbility consta de un paso. Este paso lo guía a uno a darse cuenta de que nuestra verdadera realidad es la conciencia. Esta conciencia operando aquí, ahora mismo, como el escritor de estas palabras, opera igual y simultáneamente como tú, que las lee también aquí y ahora.
Esta conciencia es impersonal, ilimitada e incondicionada; así imperecedero e inmutable. Conocerse constantemente a sí mismo como esta pura ligereza es el significado de la verdadera felicidad.
Al desarrollar nuestras capacidades humanas, capacidades innatas y salud, naturalmente desarrollamos nuestra capacidad de atención. Entonces el camino directo se hace evidente. Este orden puede cambiar varias veces.
En su gran sabiduría, los sabios que desarrollaron WisdomAbility proporcionaron ambos caminos, el progresivo y el directo, para abordarlos simultáneamente. Lo lograron al infundir todas las prácticas con el perfume de la sabiduría experiencial directa que es la información de fondo en el universo en este mismo momento.
Practicing the 8 Formulas for Tranquility, Peace and Health
We bring a special focus and intent every time we practice Qigong. We must have this clear intent every time.
When practicing Qigong at home, you connect with the central Qi field (here at HuaXia). When we are practicing Qigong in the central field, you need to reverse and connect with your home environment.
In this way of reasoning, we would connect our entire life's great Qi field with the great Qi field of the entire world, and beyond.
In this way, we can then bring out the collective field effect. The effect of the field is broader and more extensive. The healing results will also be swifter to manifest, and will be more prominent and stable.
Stand decorously. The whole body is upright and aligned. The two eyes are clear and focused, the head is not tense, and the chest and back are not tense. The waist and hips are relaxed, the legs are relaxed, and the entire body is relaxed. Be calm, quiet, calm, Be quiet.
Oh, Indomitable Spirit:
We use our eight alchemical phrases now to assemble the intelligent energy field:
Tòu Tiān Chè Dì
Intend for your Head to pass through and penetrate the heavens, as you thoroughly and completely cross through the boundary of the earth below your feet. The top is the endlessness sky, and the bottom is through and beyond the earth. We integrate the original energy above our heads and below our feet within our bodies, thus uniting heaven, earth, and human into one.
Looking (intending) upwards, reaching the top of the azure sky and the boundless void of the heavens, the primordial qi (vital energy) rises upwards.
First SEE the purity and feel the endlessness of the blue sky above you, then SEE the purity and feel the endlessness of the blue sky below you. You are where Heaven and Earth meet.
Xíng sōng yì chōng
After connecting top and bottom, now expand your intent outwards in six directions to the endlessness: top, bottom, front, back, left, and right. The body relaxes as intent expands to the edge of the sky.
It's not the body extending outwards, but the intention. Let the intention reach the edge of the sky, encompassing the surrounding energy field, combining our body's original energy with the external energy.
Relaxing the body, let the energy rush out, combining intention and body into one, thus integrating the body with the void. Focus not on the body, but on the intention.
Wài jìng Nèi jìng
Resulting from this merging, you can cultivate a reverent demeanor externally and a quiet and tranquil heart internally. Our bodies and surroundings are filled with original energy.
When we have a reverent heart towards this state, it will improve our health by penetrating our bodies and making us healthier. We need to receive this energy sincerely, understanding its effects on our bodies. Here we can begin to cultivate the no-mind feeling of the body, which is experienced as very smooth, even and empty. This corresponds to our Original Spirit inside and outside. It is full and abundant, yet it is somehow felt to be emptiness itself.
Xīn chéng mào gōng
Our inner essence world is like a bowl of clear water, reflecting all parts of our body. By closing our eyes and looking, it’s like the water reflects the entire body with its organs and limbs. It also reflects the surroundings. When you realize this, imagine your inner consciousness as a bowl of clear water, reflecting a serene and clear accepting state that resonates in your heart or chest.
When you intend and affirm this vision, your spirit descends into your physical body and collects itself, fostering a reverent mindset. This eliminates distracting thought-images, revealing the neutral state of no-mind.
Yī niàn bú qǐ
Without distracting thought-images, we can now begin to fully experience the state of no-mind. This realization feels empty, appearing both existent and non-existent, but it's not entirely empty.
If we can bring this silence into our heart, we can understand the full meaning of the desired qigong state. It is empty of all perceptions and ideas, and when we merge with the void in our heart, it is full and complete, abundant...
Shén zhù tài kōng
We now send out and blend our intent in all six directions simultaneously with the vast azure void, uniting and identifying with it. Our original Human energy and consciousness (YiYuanTi) merges with and blends into the external original energy, transforming into an integrated wholeness entirety.
Slowly retract this wholeness entirety from the azure void, pour it into the crown of the head and into the body, through the head, chest, abdomen, and limbs down to the feet.
Shén yì dào tǐ
As you deeply sense your entire body, original energy (HunYuanQi) floods into and integrates with the body. Clearly intend the serenity and emptiness of the original energy entering and permeating your body, enhancing your health and well-being, and ensuring smooth energy and blood flow throughout.
When we are in a very good qigong state, we are YiYuanTi, the indomitable spirit. Therefore, we can command the essence of the original energy to merge with and transform our body-mind and our entire life into smooth evenness, lightness that lifts our hearts with joy.
Zhōu shēn róng róng
Your entire body is glowing, it is glowing with life and abundance. You are harmonized with the Original Spirit and its Original Energy.
Now you are welcome to start practicing your favorite method. You can also sit quietly and rest in abundance for a few minutes. Then, you can go out calmly and with serenity to meet your life.