The Essential Purpose of life is to Experience Happiness
The supreme degree of healing is love.
Love is what guides the craft and without it no one can be called Healer. Speaking and saying nice words happen by opening the mouth. Helping and being useful happen by opening the heart.
The healer comes from Spirit, grows in the heart and is perfected with the natural light of experience. Nowhere is love greater than in the heart of a true healer.

We all share the same wish for happiness, but forget
that we used to be happy at some point in our lives.
This is the happiness that does NOT require the
acquisition of objects or the satisfaction of conditions. As children we are happy simply because we ARE.
We undo the conditioning (punishment) of our past lives
by allowing our nervous system to regulate itself. Our biology has evolved to function as a self-regulating and self-updating entity. We remove past conditioning by putting into place a new form of conditioning that is centered on safety, wellbeing and curiosity.
My aim is to demonstrate to you the simplicity and soundness of this approach, which is non-conceptual and therefore cannot be understood by ordinary processes of associative thought. If you allow yourself to be known to exist and allow that metacognition to consciously reach your face, then you will have initiated a movement towards peace of mind in your daily life.
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