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Trauma & PSTD Healing Specialty : Healing Childhood Trauma
Childhood abuse, neglect, and exposure to other traumatic stressors are very common.
Almost two-thirds (two out three people) - 66%- in a long-term study of participants reported at least one such experience, and more than one of five -20%- reported three or more adverse experiences.
Our approach in healing childhood trauma emphasizes:
+ Attunement to being safe or finding the way to safety
+ Discovering and suppoting the developmental stages involved
+ Decoupling (releasing) fear from immobility linked to vigilance
+ Re-negotiating physiological dysfunction via therapeutic touch
+ Differentiating "the trigger" from dissociation / depersonalization
+ Exploring ways of being that return a sense of mastery in oneself
+ Tuning in to the vast goodness already in the client's child nervous
+ Resourcing the client to compassion, playfulness, curiosity and
The short and long-term outcomes of adverse childhood experiences include a multitude of health and social problems, including difficulties socializing, careers and difficulty making and nurturing affective relationships.
Because children are fundamentally helpless in the face of adversity they are easily traumatized, often before they are able to speak.
We approach most of our clients with a childhood history of trauma as we do with PTSD and C-PTSD.

Childhood trauma can be the result of intentional violence—such as child physical or sexual abuse, domestic violence or parental neglect—and the result of natural disaster, accidents, or war.
Young children also may experience traumatic stress in response to painful medical procedures or the sudden loss of a parent/caregiver.
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