The Somatic Science approach to anxiety and its related dysfunctions is holistic and somatically oriented. Since anxiety (anguish) is at the root of the experience of feeling unsafe, it requires a host of therapeutic interventions.
anxiety (n.)
1520s, "apprehension caused by danger, misfortune, or error, uneasiness of mind respecting some uncertainty, a restless dread of some evil." Anguish.
Basic elements to address in case of existential (pervasive) anguish:
restoring the Autonomic Nervous System to safety - complete all pending threat response cycles within the motor cortex
determine a historical cause, if relevant (shock trauma)
separate the original perceived cause from the meaning the mind has given it
reinforce the experience of relational safety within the therapeutic relationship, then internally for the individual, and ultimately with others
Our integrated approach
Learning how to care for your mind and body is not what changes you. It is actually doing it. As we progress in helping extinguish the sense of anguish, we put any progress to the test immediately, in the form of simple behavioral experiments.