Hello dear friends! The creativity of our being is endless. For me creativity manifests in the form of gatherings or happenings.
Within these happenings, the truth has a tendency to want to know itself. Regardless of the transparency and clarity with which our reason might be endowed, the truth remains simple.
Right here and now as I am aware of my body writing, might you, dear reader, be aware of your body reading? Then we have established a connection beyond time and you are the knower of I.
Only then can one really live the happy tidings of our dreams. All is well, because I am.
Following are several excerpts from our meetings, which you are welcome to join. If you are interested in WisdomAbility - or what has been known as Zhineng Qigong - you might be interested in joining us for this.
Listening to the music of love
The simplicity of our being
The basis for bi-directional attention
Finding our true depth in sadness
Dis-arming the shame mechanism - Desarmando la vergüenza
Whoever is aware of writing & reading these words right here, right now, is the source of meditation; the fulfillment of all lack; the pure essence that I Am